Vital Checklist Authors

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Dr. Hapreet Singh MDChief Medical Author

Dr. Harpreet Singh is a renowned medical doctor, co-host of Talk Medicine radio show on WBRN, medical author, speaker, creator of “Vital Compass” and “Shoes and Socks off in the Clinic”, founder of “Vital Checklist” and “” He started his American Dream on September 23, 2003, with 54 dollars and an M.B.B.S degree from KMC, Manipal, India. After completing his residency, he worked as a hospitalist and was a Medical Director. He has excellent bedside manners and his passion for patients has gained him the title of “Dr. House with a good personality.” Some of his patients call him a detective, and others investigator. One of his peers has referred to him as the William Osler of 21’st century. Because of his love for patient-care and patient experience, he was appointed as Chief Experience Officer of Michigan Primary Care Partners.

When he is not seeing patients, he is teaching communication and clinical skills to medical students, physician assistants and nurse practitioners. He has taught physician assistants at GVSU and is a community adjunct faculty member for medical students at Central Michigan University. His Vital Checklist Workshop is very popular among the medical students, and he has written a book—Road to USMLE Step 2 CS.

Dr. Singh’s vision is to educate patients and help them to become proactive, which can be achieved by educating, activating and engaging them. Accomplishing this is not a simple task, and he is effectively using the technology to build the platform where he is posting his patient education videos, with the sole mission of making change in the healthcare system. He has started (iCrush) Lifestyle Institute where his focus is on health and wellness. He has organized (iCrush) 5k for diabetes, and (iCrush)5k for multiple sclerosis to educate and make people aware of this dreaded disease. With (iCrush) Lifestyle Institute, he is promoting workplace health and wellness to reduce medical costs, absenteeism, presenteeism and decreases musculoskeletal injuries with the goal of improving return on investment (R.O.I) and return on emotions (R.O.E.). Many attendees have praised him for his Scan and Spot Weight Loss Seminar.

His patients call him an “Artist Doctor” as he explains the disease process with the help of pictures. He has used art and technology to develop patient safety touchpoints to prevent chronic disease, which is housed under He dreams of starting his own Patient Education TV show one day where he can draw and explain the disease process and reach the masses.

Dr. Singh is a voracious reader and reads medical books, journal articles, and business books. This is what has inspired him to write and create mnemonics, checklists, and art for easy understandability and memory. He meditates, enjoys playing racquetball and is addicted to hot yoga. His ultimate goal is patient safety and making patients happy.

Invite Dr. Singh to speak to your organization. Email us at

Gurmeet SinghDigital Marketing Head & Graphic Designer

Gurmeet joined Vital Checklist as a freelancer in 2012. He has done many projects from digital marketing to graphic designing for me. In 2017 during the festival of lights (Diwali), I needed a creative designed in 24 hours, and Gurmeet was the one who stepped up on the plate. I went from pillar to post requesting many graphic designers to help me with this task, but could not find one. Gurmeet sacrificed his family time and helped me. Gurmeet not only has high skill, but also has the high will to perform and succeed. Gurmeet has accomplished these projects with me:

2) Shoes and Socks off
3) Saving Legs
4) Vital Compass
5) Fattoji
6) Pain Grade
7) Bumper to Bumper
8) Lean Patient Experience

Gurmeet is unique and I have given him the name--Unique Singh. He leads the digital marketing and graphic designing department for Vital Checklist. I have plans to start First Aid Media company with Gurmeet. It is rightfully said, “First who, then where.”

Victoria SeveranceGraphic Designer

My name is Victoria Severance. I recently earned a bachelor of fine arts degree in medical illustration from Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University. I chose to study medical illustration because I am a firm believer in the benefits of art, especially in the medical field. Art is a universal language and therefore can be used to communicate and depict the medical advancements that are constantly occurring. This career allows me to be able to transmit knowledge, problem-solve, and most importantly help aid others, while utilizing my creative thinking, communication skills and artistic skills. I would like to thank Vital Checklist and Dr. Harpreet Singh personally for giving me the opportunity to share my passion and work on this project.

Palavi VaidyaMedical Student

Palavi Vaidya earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Biomedical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology in 2016. She is currently 3rd year medical student at University of Toledo College of Medicine. Palavi has worked at Amway Global for their research and development department where she worked for their advanced technology group exploring noninvasive measurement options for vascular health. She has participated in research projects with the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease Foundation. She is also very passionate about organized medicine and is involved with the American Medical Association at the local, state and national levels. Ms. Vaidya enjoys advocating for her peers and patients and enjoy giving back to the community through the local free clinic. She strives for for significance and not success because success was finite, and significance had a ripple effect that never ends.

Ashish KumarAshish Kumar translated Vital Checklist in Kannada

Ashish Kumar completed graduate education from Father Muller Medical College Hospital, Karnataka, India. His dad was a non-smoker and recently lost his fight to the lung cancer. He wants to contribute to pulmonology and passionate about the field of internal medicine. He has translated the (iCrush) Diabetes Vital Checklist in Kannada and is writing (iCrush) Diabetes patient education manual with Dr. Harpreet Singh. He has already authored several research articles and textbook chapters in various international journal and publications. He has also Co-authored a textbook on “ethical principles in healthcare”. Ashish is a go-getter and his work ethics shows that as he translated (iCrush) Diabetes checklist in Kannada within hours. He has a penchant for improving health literacy and passionate about improving patient lives by writing quality content for patient education. He is a strong believer in the words of Aristotle- Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.

Translation done by

Jasmine Hundal Jasmine contributed to Vital Checklist by managing the bibliography and coordinating the endeavor.

Dr. Jasmine Hundal’s interest in Medicine started early in her childhood when she faced the adversity of suffering all around her. There was lack of basic health care in the village in India where she was born and raised. This is what motivated her to become a doctor. She joined the one of the most prestigious medical colleges in the country, Armed Forces Medical College, located in Pune, where she completed her MBBS. Serving in the Indian Army, she became a regimental officer of the highest altitude but with the humblest attitude. She saw patients with gangrene, depression, and suicidal ideation due to isolation. She was the health caregiver, family caregiver, medical officer, and also a counsellor for the men serving in extreme conditions. After she got married, she moved to United States to serve humanity. Today she is an Internal medicine resident University of Missouri Healthcare and we believe that she will be an asset to any program she joins.

Sreenivasan Shanmugam Sreenivasan translated Vital Checklist in Tamil and coordinated the project.

Dr. Shreenivasan Shanmugam is a Primary Care Physician from India. He graduated from Vinayaka Missions Medical College, in Salem, India in 2013. His dream is to pursue residency in the United States of America. He is an optimistic and loving person, and he believes that a positive attitude is as important to healthcare as medicine. He is an optimistic and loving doctor who also gives patients the desire to live a healthier life. Preventative medicine is a vital part of his approach. He loves listening to his patients about their concerns and helping them to the greatest of his ability. He believes hope is crucial on the pathway to recovery for a patient. Along with imparting hope, he desires to bestow knowledge to his patients.

Igor Vaz Igor translated Vital Checklist in Portuguese.

Dr. Igor Vaz is a physician in Brazil and also hold a bachelors degree in computer engineering. He is pursuing an Internal medicine residency position in the United States. He has a particular interest in patient education because he believes that medicine is both a biological and a social science. In his opinion, practicing medicine is about dealing with human beings that are in very fragile position. They are scared about their disease and when information is offered proactively, the patient is able to understand their condition and a good doctor can empower them to make decisions about their treatment and future. He also has an interest in research and received a Brazilian federal research grant for two and half years as a researcher assistant in the genetic department of Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO). He is an author for Vital Checklist and a research assistant in a project involving post-bariatric surgery patients in intensive care units. He enjoys running and practicing Krav Maga in his spare time.

Chintan Rupareliya Chintan translated Vital Checklist in Gujarati and Russian

Dr. Rupareliya is an India based multilingual health care professional currently working as a researcher in Neurology. After getting his MD from Russia in 2012, Dr. Rupareliya came to the United States to pursue the graduate education in Healthcare Administration. Dr. Rupareliya completed his fellowship in Electroencephalography (EEG) and Epilepsy before applying for residency. Since then, he has been involved as a clinical research scholar in the field of Epilepsy. Dr. Rupareliya’s area of clinical interest includes clinical neurophysiology, movement disorders, cerebrovascular disorders, and multiple sclerosis.

Dr. Shobita Anand Shobita translated Vital Checklist in Marathi.

Dr. Shobita Anand is an M.B.B.S graduate from Dr. D Y Patil University Navi Mumbai. She is currently pursuing her diploma course in Diabetes Mellitus from Apollo Hospital Mumbai and involved Diabetes Mellitus research. She aims to pursue Internal Medicine in the United States. She is passionate about teaching and creating social awareness about current trends of diseases. Educating patients is her forte and has contributed her time to activate patients at DSNDP program (Dr. Shri Nanasaheb Dharmadhikari Pratishthan), a social awakening organization, which has made its place in Guinness Book of World Record. She has played a vital role in conducting health and child care camps. She is an active member of flood control camps and rehabilitation. Outside of medicine, she loves traveling and cooking Indian cuisines. To cap, Shobita is a connector and connects well with people, patients, and caregivers.

Charu Arora Charu translated Vital Checklist in Hindi,

Dr. Arora discovered his interest in becoming a doctor while he was in high school. A zealous lover of biological sciences, he enjoys interacting with people and bringing positive change to their lives. He was a clinical researcher at Harvard Medical School (Boston) and Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. He is a budding physician and has a deep inclination in Global Medicine. Charu is the founder and editor in chief of an online parenting blog called Peds4You, which is dedicated for the inclusive betterment children’s health. Outside of academia and extracurricular activities, he loves to spend his time cooking gastronomic delights, singing Bollywood songs, and playing with his four-legged canine baby. He has had several research papers published in state and national level indexed journals. He is currently working in the clinical and research field as a primary physician in the institute of Neurosciences at a tertiary care teaching hospital in India. A social worker, blogger and debater, Charu is the author of a textbook, Pediatrics for Undergraduate Students, which is scheduled to be published very soon.

Lissette Jimenez Lissette translated Vital Checklist in Spanish.

Dr. Lissette Jimenez is an Internal Medicine Resident physician at White River Medical Center in Batesville, AR. She received her bachelor’s degree in biology and graduated medical school from Universidad Iberoamericana in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. She has a passion for working in underserved communities and serving those in need. Her interest in medicine includes pursuing a fellowship in gastroenterology. In addition to this, she loves being involved in the educational aspect of medicine, especially teaching and advising medical students on their future endeavors.

M. Al-Janabi Omar translated Vital Checklist in Arabic

Dr. Al-Janabi is a Ph.D. Candidate in Clinical and Translational Science / Neurology at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine. He received his bachelor in medicine and general surgery (M.B.Ch.B.) from Tikrit University College of Medicine and his master’s degree in medical sciences from the University of Kentucky College of Medicine.He worked as a neurology resident physician for four years at Tikrit Teaching Hospital in Iraq. His clinical experiences have made him passionate about patient education and care, as it is considered one of the pillars of a successful health system. He also believes that patients can achieve the best outcome through proper education and guidance. In addition to his interest in patient education, he loves teaching medical students, and is currently conducting clinical research in the field of cerebrovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease and neuroimaging.

Rehan Malik Rehan translated Vital Checklist in Urdu

Dr. Rehan Malik is a Resident Physician at Mount Sinai Medical Center Miami, Florida. He has a passion for patient care, and is a strong believer in patient education for better patient compliance and health outcomes. With his background in preventive cardiology research, he has been a spokesperson at the community level in Miami-Dade for educating masses in adopting healthy behaviors and lifestyle strategies for CVD prevention. In this regard, Patient Education Guide (PEG), with its 12 different languages, support would be a stepping stone in solving the language and communication barrier in the diverse US Healthcare population.

Dinesh Arora Dinesh translated Vital Checklist in Punjabi

DI have completed my medical school from Government College and Hospital, Patiala, India and proceeded to complete my General surgery residency from Christian Medical College and Hospital, India. I have worked as a Chief Consultant in General surgery at Christian Medical college & Hospital. Currently, I am pursuing my career as a General Surgeon in United States and contributing in improving patient education. I am a Assistant Medical Author in Road to USMLE, Step 2 Clinical Skills book 1 and have passion to help educate patients in layman language. I love to serve in the medical field and lead my life in this service. "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." - Mahatma Gandhi.

Meghna Kesireddy Meghna translated Vital Checklist in Telugu.

Dr. Meghana Kesireddy is currently an Internal Medicine Resident physician at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, Texas. She graduated from Osmania Medical College in India. She has worked as a visiting medical student at Mayo Clinic, Case Western Reserve University, Grand Rapids Medical Health and Louisiana State University. She is particularly interested in practicing preventive medicine and empowering the patients to take charge of their health through effective patient education. Working for the ‘Patient Education Guide’ is her first step in the area of patient empowerment. She likes to be involved in medical education and clinical research. She looks forward to pursuing a fellowship in Hematology- Oncology after her residency. On a personal level, travelling all around the world and experiencing different cultures is one of her biggest dreams.

Sai Koyoda Sai translated Vital Checklist in Telugu.

Dr. Sai Krishna Koyoda is currently pursuing a residency in the Department of Internal Medicine at Monmouth Medical Center, NJ. He is an alumni of Osmania Medical College in Hyderabad, India. He is interested in research oriented patient care and is particularly passionate about futuristic medicine, immunology, and its related fields. He has been an awardee of Short term studentship, sponsored by Indian Council of Medical Research for his project, ’Study of Neural Modulation on Inflammation’. He was also the chief executive member of the Osmecon, undergraduate research symposium organizing committee. Outside of medicine, he loves philosophy, physics, and programming.

Shahena Shreenivasan Shahena translated Vital Checklist in Malayalam.

Dr. Shahena is a recent graduate from Vinayaka Missions Medical College in Salem, India. She is currently working as a Junior Resident in the ICU at VIMS Hospital in Salem, India. Her aim is to become an Attending Physician in the United States. She loves teaching medicine. She is a reliable, enthusiastic and responsible person who considers the medical profession as divine. Apart from her profession, she loves spending time with her family, especially with her two-year-old daughter. Her research interests include Stem Cells and Genetic Engineering.

Shafi Rana Shafi translated Vital Checklist in Punjabi.

Shafi Rana, an expert in Strategic Healthcare Operations and Quality Control, also takes interest in linguistics and understands the usage and importance of simplistic medical verbiage as it increases adherence and quality of care. Shafi holds a Bachelor of Science from St. Johns University in NY along with a Medical Doctorate from American University of Antigua - College of Medicine and a Master’s in Business Administration from Davenport University.

Noni Rana Noni translated Vital Checklist in Punjabi.

Dr. Rana is a medical graduate of American University of Antigua with a Masters in Health Administration. He is currently working as a Director of Operations for one of the leading urgent care centers in New York. He is responsible for the financial performance of regional offices, strategic operations, patient safety, risk management and compliance. His primary role has been developing protocols for clinics to help divert and reduce unnecessary ER visits.

Udhayvir Singh Grewal Udhayvir translated Vital Checklist in Punjabi.

Dr. Udhayvir Singh Grewal is an intern at Government Medical College and Rajindra Hospital, in Patiala, India. He is in the initial phase of his professional career and is highly enthusiastic about educating patients and improving patient care experiences. Udhayvir is passionate about clinical research in oncology and infectious diseases. Strongly believing in the importance of good leadership skills in young physicians, he has served as the Vice President for Capacity Building, Medical Students’ Association of India, and also as the Program Coordinator of Human Resources for Health Program, International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations. Udhayvir is also a student member of the American College of Physicians and the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

Road to USMLE Step 2 Clinical Skills Associate Authors

Avantika Singh Avantika contributed to Vital Checklist as an Associate Medical Author. She contributed to (iCrush) Diabetes as a researcher and reviewer.

Avantika Singh, M.D. is a PGY-3 child neurology physician at Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School. Prior to this, she completed her pediatric residency at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Medical College of Wisconsin, and served as a Post-doctoral Clinical Research Fellow in Neonatal Neurology at Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School.

She is a proficient author dedicated to the field of medical education for both medical students as well as patients. After graduating from medical school, Dr. Avantika Singh worked as an Associate Medical Author and Clinical Instructor at VitalChecklist. She helped assemble a team of medical students & physicians to write a workbook ‘Road to USMLE Step 2 CS’. In this peer-reviewed book, she contributed not only with her innovative writing, clinical acumen but also with her research skills by doing a thorough review of the literature. She then went on to author a series of patient experience books and flashcards for effective patient counseling for VitalChecklist. She incorporated Dr. Harpreet Singh’s methodology of “teaching with examples” and “a picture speaks a thousand words” during her clinical practice and teaching methodology. With these in mind, she contributed to the designing of Pain Grade for teaching patients effectively.

Dr. Himanshu Deshwal Himanshu contributed to Vital Checklist as an Associate Medical Author and Medical Illustrator. He contributed to (iCrush) Diabetes as a researcher and reviewer.

Dr. Himanshu Deshwal is a PGY-3 at Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio and a Clinical Instructor of Medicine at Lerner School of Medicine at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. He graduated from the Armed Forces Medical College, India, a premiere medical school in India. He aspires to pursue his fellowship in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine.

Prior to joining Cleveland Clinic, Dr. Deshwal worked with Vitalchecklist and it’s creator Dr. Singh in several projects related to patient education and health. He was a medical illustrator and an assistant author for these projects including Road to USMLE Step 2 CS, ICrush Ebola, Pain Grade and was a team member in developing this pursuit for diabetes.

He was inspired by Dr. Singh’s methodology of LUCKY touch and empathy in patient care and had inculcated it in his clinical practice. He considers Dr. Singh his mentor and guru who has deeply inspired his life goals and career.

Being an active sportsman he understands the importance of a holistic approach to healthcare and wellbeing. He has been a keen advocate of following an active lifestyle in midst of our busy lives.

Join our Team

If you are a medical student and would like to contribute by translating this (iCrush) Diabetes Vital Checklist in your own language, contact us at Let's join hands for the betterment of the society and diabetes community.

We are looking for medical students who are fluent in their native tongue and have good English communication skills. Your profile will be featured on our website.

European Languages

Albanian, Belarusian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Corsican, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English (British), Estonian, Finnish, Flemish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Luxembourgish, Macedonian, Maltese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Scottish (Gaelic), Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian, Welsh

American Languages

Aymara, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, English (American), Guarani, Haitian Creole, Quechua, Spanish (Latin American)

Asian Languages

Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Balochi, Bengali, Bhojpuri, Burmese, Cambodian, Cantonese, Farsi, Fijian, Filipino, Georgian, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Kazakh, Khmer, Korean, Kyrgyz, Lao, Malay, Mandarin, Manipuri, Marathi, Mongolian, Nepali, Pashto, Punjabi, Sinhalese, Tagalog, Tajik, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Tibetan, Turkmen, Urdu, Uzbek, Vietnamese

African Languages

Afrikaans, Amharic, Chichewa, Hausa, Igbo, Malagasy, Sesotho, Shona, Somali, Swahili, Xhosa, Yoruba, Zulu

The Five Why’s of Vital Checklist

  1. Why should patients use Vital Checklist?
    • Health caregivers spend years/decades in getting trained in their field, while patients have 15 minutes to ask questions. The Internet is an excellent tool as a symptom checker, but to be on the same page; patients need symptom checklist to discuss their history and recognize disease patterns.
  2. Why health caregivers and patients should be on the same page? Why should health caregivers use Vital Checklist?
    • Improved communication and improved documentation.
  3. Why is it essential to document and communicate effectively?
    • Reimbursement by ICD-10 requires asking more questions and documentation.
    • Communication is the fundamental tenet, which is measured by Patient Experience Score
  4. Why is Patient Experience (PE) Score vital for a health caregiver and healthcare facility?
    • PE improves job satisfaction, decreases stress and promotes health and wellness of the health caregivers.
    • PE improves the credibility of the health care facility and health caregivers.
    • PE improves reimbursement
  5. Why is it essential to pay attention to job satisfaction of healthcare employees, credibility, crisp documentation, proactive communication, improved patient experience score?
    • Reduce malpractice lawsuits
    • Decrease burnout amongst health caregivers

I started my medical career in 1995 when I joined KMC, Manipal, one of the prestigious institutions in India. KMC, Manipal is in Karnataka,and people speak Kannada and Tulu. I remember the lecture in medical school when our professor explained the importance of integrating communication skills with the clinical skills. He emphasized the need to learn the local language. India is a diverse country with many languages and dialects. Our professor asked us a straightforward question, if we cannot understand the patient’s pain, then how will we treat it. He explainedthe difference between a symptom and a sign and made a funny acronym to describe the characteristics of both. Read More...


The checklists, text, graphics, images, videos and other material contained in the videos and PainGrade Vital Checklist Website ("Content") are for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or heard on the PainGrade Vital Checklist website, its videos or other concepts.

In accordance to the HIPAA regulation, a duly informed consent was taken from the real-life patients, students, caregivers or other individuals appearing in the informational videos presented on this website.

If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. Vital Checklist website and videos do not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on the Site. Reliance on any information provided by PainGrade Vital Checklist website/videos, Vital Checklist employees, others appearing on the Site at the invitation of Vital Checklist, or other visitors to the Site is solely at your own risk.

The Site may contain health or medical-related materials that are sexually explicit. If you find these materials offensive, you may not want to use our Site. The Site and the Content are provided on an "as is" basis.