OPIOID Start Talking Checklist

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  • OPIOID Start Talking Checklist

No Bumper to Bumper Driving

The Vital Checklist Way

Sign the narcotic contract [1]
Blood-work: Liver function test, Kidney function test [2]
Urine Drug Screen [2]
Monitor automated prescription dispensing system [2, 3]
Pill Count [2, 4]
EKG and effects of methadone [5]
Recreational drugs [6]
Testosterone level (if more than a year) [7]
  • Do you have numbness, tingling, loss of sensation in both legs?
No driving while on narcotics [8]


  • Marcus, G.M., et al., The utility of gestures in patients with chest discomfort. Am J Med, 2007. 120(1): p. 83-9.
  • Davies, H.A., et al., Angina-like esophageal pain: differentiation from cardiac pain by history. J Clin Gastroenterol, 1985. 7(6): p. 477-81.
  • Swap, C.J. and J.T. Nagurney, Value and limitations of chest pain history in the evaluation of patients with suspected acute coronary syndromes. Jama, 2005. 294(20): p. 2623-9.
  • Fu, L.W., Z.L. Guo, and J.C. Longhurst, Undiscovered role of endogenous thromboxane A2 in activation of cardiac sympathetic afferents during ischaemia. J Physiol, 2008. 586(13): p. 3287-300.
  • Lee, T.H., et al., Acute chest pain in the emergency room. Identification and examination of low-risk patients. Arch Intern Med, 1985. 145(1): p. 65-9.
  • Berger, J.P., et al., Right arm involvement and pain extension can help to differentiate coronary diseases from chest pain of other origin: a prospective emergency ward study of 278 consecutive patients admitted for chest pain. J Intern Med, 1990. 227(3): p. 165-72.
  • Kreiner, M., et al., Craniofacial pain as the sole symptom of cardiac ischemia: a prospective multicenter study. J Am Dent Assoc, 2007. 138(1): p. 74-9.
  • Chan, S., et al., The use of gastrointestinal cocktail for differentiating gastro-oesophageal reflux disease and acute coronary syndrome in the emergency setting: a systematic review. Heart Lung Circ, 2014. 23(10): p. 913-23.
  • Henrikson, C.A., et al., Chest pain relief by nitroglycerin does not predict active coronary artery disease. Ann Intern Med, 2003. 139(12): p. 979-86.
  • Mason, L., et al., Systematic review of topical capsaicin for the treatment of chronic pain. Bmj, 2004. 328(7446): p. 991.

I started my medical career in 1995 when I joined KMC, Manipal, one of the prestigious institutions in India. KMC, Manipal is in Karnataka,and people speak Kannada and Tulu. I remember the lecture in medical school when our professor explained the importance of integrating communication skills with the clinical skills. He emphasized the need to learn the local language. India is a diverse country with many languages and dialects. Our professor asked us a straightforward question, if we cannot understand the patient’s pain, then how will we treat it. He explainedthe difference between a symptom and a sign and made a funny acronym to describe the characteristics of both. Read More...


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